Us air force plane tank killer
Us air force plane tank killer

It may be possible to adequately fill the niche occupied by the A-10 with a capable, affordable aircraft, but tradeoffs will have to be made. For the United States to maintain a viable airpower capability, the Department of Defense will have to retrench, avoid the exquisite technology that has come to characterize aircraft procurement, and focus on utility and affordability. Under these conditions, the Air Force needs to reprioritize, letting go of some cherished programs because of their impact on the rest of the force. The Air Force’s combat aircraft portfolio is being pulled apart by competing priorities, not all of which can be funded. Everything from aircrew training to munitions procurement has been starved of resources. Aircraft recapitalization must take place under conditions where chronic underfunding has also brought readiness levels to points not seen since the late 1970s.

us air force plane tank killer

The fiscal realities faced by the Department of Defense have made a bad situation worse.

us air force plane tank killer

The fundamental problem for the Air Force, however, is twofold: The A-10 is an ageing airframe that is increasingly costly to keep flying, and there is no aircraft design on the horizon intended to fill the shoes of that aircraft when it retires. Congress has directed the Air Force to retain the A-10 airframe, and that is sensible for now, but it is only a short-term fix. The ongoing debate over the A-10 is settled only in the short term.

Us air force plane tank killer