Download digital wall clock
Download digital wall clock

While the designer had anything but an easy time perfecting the mechanism and timing, the printing and assembly is surprisingly easy. It may take some time to learn how to quickly read this one, as the time is read from the bottom up with the lowest shelf representing the hour and the two upper shelves representing the minutes in tens and single digits. It’s like that Mousetrap board game, except this actually works. The ‘marble’ here doesn’t apply to the material, but the object, as the clock uses a rotating mechanism that moves the marbles around and places them automatically into slots that correspond to numbers on the clock. Sometimes you come across an engineering feat that’s so cool it’s impossible to look away, and this Time Rolls On marble clock is just that. This makes the self-winding pendulum clock one of the most practical and educational clocks on this list, ideal for those of you who love to learn while you build. It’s a fascinating read as well as a neat and practical 3D printed clock that teaches you the mechanical workings as it guides you through the printing and assembly process. The most interesting thing about this clock is the detailed description of the mechanism and how it works.

download digital wall clock

Naturally, this became tiresome, and so the self-winding clock was born.

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The design was born from the initial attempt the designer had to 3D print an analog clock which needed to be wound twice a day. This 3D printed analog clock is similar to the pendulum clock above but with an added twist, where the pendulum clock needs to be wound every week, this self-winding clock can take care of itself and keep accurate time for months without needing any maintenance. I can’t count how many times I’ve noticed stopped clocks in my friend’s houses that even they haven’t noticed. While winding a clock can be a nice way of reminding yourself that you’re in control, for some it is quite the hassle, and an easily forgotten one too.

Download digital wall clock